The are 19 biclusters regulated by PA0120 in the network Pseudomonas_aeruginosa network.

Bicluster genes residual
5 16 0.336757687793
52 18 0.370041638514
90 14 0.402842305696
111 11 0.447207894973
125 25 0.535619990904
141 14 0.471613042583
216 20 0.474242727036
230 16 0.430744783005
312 15 0.476401788278
361 23 0.52826690741
399 18 0.492930495241
404 12 0.423066494224
437 22 0.489247673362
441 18 0.511334748365
451 15 0.511353746617
501 17 0.512715303981
520 17 0.448882891329
523 33 0.526263172362
553 19 0.371746076075

view network for these 19 biclusters