TATA box binding protein (Tbp)-associated factor, RNA polymerase I, C
reciprocal translocation, Chr 8 and 16, Harwell 17
reciprocal translocation, Chr 8, cytogenetic band C3; and Chr 16, cytogenetic band B5, Davisson 164
reciprocal translocation, Chr 8, cytogenetic band A4; and Chr 12, cytogenetic band D1, Davisson 69
reciprocal translocation, Chr 8 and 10, Adler 8
reciprocal translocation, Chr 6 and 8, Adler 2
reciprocal translocation, Chr 5 and 8, Roderick 3
reciprocal translocation, Chr 4 and inverted Chr 8, Harwell 36
reciprocal translocation, Chr 4 and 8, Harwell 36
reciprocal translocation, Chr 4 and 8, Harwell 36