
negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
nucleotide binding
ureteric bud development
in utero embryonic development
organ induction
glycoprotein binding
positive regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation
chondrocyte differentiation
protein kinase activity
protein tyrosine kinase activity
transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity
fibroblast growth factor-activated receptor activity
protein binding
ATP binding
plasma membrane
protein phosphorylation
brain development
salivary gland morphogenesis
sensory perception of sound
heparin binding
positive regulation of cell proliferation
fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
regulation of gene expression
negative regulation of gene expression
positive regulation of phospholipase C activity
positive regulation of neuron projection development
integral component of membrane
kinase activity
transferase activity
transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups
fibroblast growth factor binding
peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
stem cell maintenance
orbitofrontal cortex development
motogenic signaling involved in postnatal olfactory bulb interneuron migration
ventricular zone neuroblast division
central nervous system neuron development
lung development
embryonic limb morphogenesis
midbrain development
neuron projection development
cytoplasmic vesicle
protein complex binding
fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway involved in orbitofrontal cortex development
regulation of cell proliferation
inner ear morphogenesis
outer ear morphogenesis
middle ear morphogenesis
identical protein binding
protein homodimerization activity
receptor complex
positive regulation of MAP kinase activity
positive regulation of MAPK cascade
positive regulation of neuron differentiation
negative regulation of osteoblast differentiation
positive regulation of cell cycle
positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
protein autophosphorylation
paraxial mesoderm development
regulation of lateral mesodermal cell fate specification
cell maturation
blood vessel morphogenesis
generation of neurons
mesenchymal cell differentiation
cell adhesion molecule binding
regulation of sensory perception of pain
positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation
auditory receptor cell development
limb development
branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis
lung-associated mesenchyme development
regulation of branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis by mesenchymal-epithelial signaling
vasculogenesis involved in coronary vascular morphogenesis
regulation of stem cell proliferation
positive regulation of MAPKKK cascade by fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway
regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand