
nucleotide binding
GTPase activity
signal transducer activity
protein binding
GTP binding
heterotrimeric G-protein complex
GTP catabolic process
signal transduction
G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway
adenylate cyclase-modulating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway
dopamine receptor signaling pathway
locomotory behavior
regulation of heart contraction
cellular process
response to organonitrogen compound
guanyl nucleotide binding
extrinsic component of cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane
G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex binding
G-protein coupled serotonin receptor binding
mu-type opioid receptor binding
protein complex binding
GTPase activating protein binding
neuron projection
protein complex
positive regulation of GTPase activity
metal ion binding
corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 binding
negative regulation of calcium ion transport