
negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity
RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity involved in positive regulation of transcription
RNA polymerase II transcription corepressor activity
chondrocyte differentiation
DNA binding
double-stranded DNA binding
sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
DNA replication
transcription, DNA-templated
regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
negative regulation of cell proliferation
glial cell differentiation
principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve development
anterior commissure morphogenesis
lung development
forebrain development
hindbrain development
negative regulation of DNA binding
cerebellar mossy fiber
positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
Clara cell differentiation
Type I pneumocyte differentiation
Type II pneumocyte differentiation
lung ciliated cell differentiation
commissural neuron axon guidance
negative regulation of mesenchymal cell proliferation involved in lung development
negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in lung morphogenesis