
activation of MAPK activity
negative regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity
positive regulation of T cell mediated cytotoxicity
negative regulation of cytokine-mediated signaling pathway
hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation
immunoglobulin biosynthetic process
positive regulation of T cell mediated immunity
regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin
positive regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin
phosphoprotein phosphatase activity
protein tyrosine phosphatase activity
protein binding
plasma membrane
integral component of plasma membrane
focal adhesion
negative regulation of protein kinase activity
protein dephosphorylation
negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in substrate-bound cell migration
leukocyte cell-cell adhesion
heparin binding
external side of plasma membrane
cell surface
response to gamma radiation
integral component of membrane
hydrolase activity
phosphatase activity
protein kinase binding
B cell differentiation
T cell differentiation
positive regulation of B cell proliferation
negative regulation of protein autophosphorylation
heterotypic cell-cell adhesion
peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation
T cell proliferation
B cell proliferation
positive regulation of T cell proliferation
heparan sulfate proteoglycan binding
positive regulation of MAPK cascade
cell cycle phase transition
positive thymic T cell selection
negative thymic T cell selection
regulation of B cell differentiation
positive regulation of T cell differentiation
positive regulation of gamma-delta T cell differentiation
positive regulation of alpha-beta T cell proliferation
positive regulation of isotype switching to IgG isotypes
bone marrow development
stem cell development
negative regulation of peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation
T cell receptor signaling pathway
B cell receptor signaling pathway
regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway
positive regulation of antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway
release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol
defense response to virus
regulation of cell cycle
cell periphery
positive regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration
positive regulation of stem cell proliferation
regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway
positive regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway