Displaying 58661 - 58670 of 69421
Locus | Symbol | Product | Feature Type | Chromosome |
66261 | Tm4sf20 | transmembrane 4 L six family member 20 | protein-coding | 1 |
66262 | Ing5 | inhibitor of growth family, member 5 | protein-coding | 1 |
66263 | 1810014B01Rik | RIKEN cDNA 1810014B01 gene | pseudo | 10 |
66266 | Eapp | E2F-associated phosphoprotein | protein-coding | 12 |
66268 | Pigyl | phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class Y-like | protein-coding | 9 |
66269 | Tmed6 | transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 6 | protein-coding | 8 |
66270 | Fam134b | family with sequence similarity 134, member B | protein-coding | 15 |
66271 | Tmem126a | transmembrane protein 126A | protein-coding | 7 |
66272 | Cox16 | cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein 16 | protein-coding | 12 |
66273 | Aamdc | adipogenesis associated Mth938 domain containing | protein-coding | 7 |