
Displaying 65121 - 65130 of 69421
Locus Symbol Product Feature Type Chromosome
20974 Syngr3 synaptogyrin 3 protein-coding 17
20975 Synj2 synaptojanin 2 protein-coding 17
20979 Syt1 synaptotagmin I protein-coding 10
20980 Syt2 synaptotagmin II protein-coding 1
20981 Syt3 synaptotagmin III protein-coding 7
20983 Syt4 synaptotagmin IV protein-coding 18
20997 T brachyury protein-coding 17
20998 t t-complex unknown 17
20999 T(;16)129Dn reciprocal translocation, Chr and 16, Davisson 129 other 16
21000 T(1;10)11Ad reciprocal translocation, Chr 1 and 10, Adler 11 other 1