Whrn whirlin (73750)

Symbol Product Feature Type Strand Chr
73750 Whrn whirlin protein-coding 4
1110035G07Rik | AW122018 | AW742671 | C430046P22Rik | Dfnb31 | wi
GO ID Category Definition Evidence
  • retina homeostasis
  • photoreceptor inner segment
  • stereocilia ankle link complex
  • protein binding
  • cytoplasm
  • actin filament
  • cilium
  • sensory perception of sound
  • membrane
  • protein domain specific binding
  • axon
  • dendrite
  • photoreceptor connecting cilium
  • stereocilium
  • stereocilium bundle
  • cell projection
  • neuronal cell body
  • dendritic shaft
  • synapse
  • sensory perception of light stimulus
  • inner ear receptor stereocilium organization
Motif 1 Motif 2 Residual
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