Taf9 TAF9 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor (108143)

Symbol Product Feature Type Strand Chr
108143 Taf9 TAF9 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor protein-coding 13
2310012M09Rik | AA673500 | AU045423 | TAFII31 | TAFII32 | Taf2g
GO ID Category Definition Evidence
  • PCAF complex
  • p53 binding
  • DNA binding
  • transcription coactivator activity
  • histone acetyltransferase activity
  • nucleus
  • transcription factor TFIID complex
  • transcription, DNA-templated
  • DNA-templated transcription, initiation
  • regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
  • positive regulation of cell growth
  • STAGA complex
  • negative regulation of proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process
  • transcription factor TFTC complex
  • activating transcription factor binding
  • negative regulation of apoptotic process
  • histone H3 acetylation
  • transcription regulatory region DNA binding
  • positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
  • protein heterodimerization activity
  • protein stabilization
  • positive regulation of response to cytokine stimulus
  • response to interleukin-1
  • C2H2 zinc finger domain binding
  • pre-snoRNP complex
  • MLL1 complex
Motif 1 Motif 2 Residual
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