DVU0419 Carboxynorspermidine/carboxyspermidine decarboxylase
Details for DVU0419 - Carboxynorspermidine/carboxyspermidine decarboxylase
GO Terms: GO:0016831, GO:0005737, GO:0008295
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU0419
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU1876 DnaJ protein, putative
Details for DVU1876 - DnaJ protein, putative
GO Terms: GO:0006457
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU1876
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU0572 Uncharacterized protein
Details for DVU0572 - Uncharacterized protein
GO Terms: GO:0035438
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU0572
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU1984 Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase MsrA
Details for DVU1984 - Peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase MsrA
GO Terms: GO:0006464, GO:0008113, GO:0030091, GO:0006979
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU1984
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU0813 Heat-inducible transcription repressor HrcA
Details for DVU0813 - Heat-inducible transcription repressor HrcA
GO Terms: GO:0003677, GO:0045892, GO:0006351
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU0813
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU2325 Mercuric transport protein periplasmic component
Details for DVU2325 - Mercuric transport protein periplasmic component
GO Terms: GO:0005507, GO:0006825
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU2325
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU1457 Thioredoxin reductase, putative
Details for DVU1457 - Thioredoxin reductase, putative
GO Terms: GO:0016491
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU1457
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU2497 Lipoprotein, putative
Details for DVU2497 - Lipoprotein, putative
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU2497
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU1601 ATP-dependent Clp protease adapter protein ClpS
Details for DVU1601 - ATP-dependent Clp protease adapter protein ClpS
GO Terms: GO:0030163, GO:0006508
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU1601
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU2893 Flagellar basal-body rod protein, putative
Details for DVU2893 - Flagellar basal-body rod protein, putative
GO Terms: GO:0071973
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU2893
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU1875 DafA protein
Details for DVU1875 - DafA protein
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU1875
Tuberculist Genomic Region

DVU2975 Hydrolase, putative
Details for DVU2975 - Hydrolase, putative
GO Terms: GO:0016787
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: DVU2975
Tuberculist Genomic Region
