6828962 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4138 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828962
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826913 Iron permease FTR1 (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1957 - Iron permease FTR1 (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0016020
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826913
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828961 GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4137 - GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0008152, GO:0008080
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828961
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828957 putative non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, putative acyl-CoA ligase for activation during siderophore synthesis (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4133 - putative non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, putative acyl-CoA ligase for activation during siderophore synthesis (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0019290, GO:0003824, GO:0008756, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828957
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826514 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1513 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826514
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828958 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4134 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0048037
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828958
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6829317 putative TonB-dependent siderophore receptor (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4509 - putative TonB-dependent siderophore receptor (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0015891, GO:0016020, GO:0004872, GO:0005506, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6829317
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828959 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4135 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828959
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826939 putative Catecholate siderophore receptor fiu precursor (TonB-dependent receptor fiu) (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1984 - putative Catecholate siderophore receptor fiu precursor (TonB-dependent receptor fiu) (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0015891, GO:0016020, GO:0004872, GO:0005506, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826939
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828960 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4136 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828960
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6829539 cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, subunit I (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4733 - cytochrome o ubiquinol oxidase, subunit I (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006118, GO:0009060, GO:0016021, GO:0005506, GO:0020037
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6829539
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6827037 Formate dehydrogenase subunit A (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p2094 - Formate dehydrogenase subunit A (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0009326, GO:0008863, GO:0051539, GO:0030151
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6827037
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826488 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1487 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826488
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6825432 ABC transporter, permease precursor, putative iron transporter (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p0392 - ABC transporter, permease precursor, putative iron transporter (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006810, GO:0016020, GO:0005215
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6825432
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828953 tonB-dependent siderophore receptor protein (RefSeq)
6825431 ABC transporter, periplasmic protein precursor, putative iron transporter (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p0391 - ABC transporter, periplasmic protein precursor, putative iron transporter (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006810, GO:0005215
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6825431
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828955 RNA polymerase sigma factor (RefSeq)
6825898 pseudoazurin (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p0857 - pseudoazurin (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006118, GO:0005507, GO:0009055
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6825898
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6825432 ABC transporter, permease precursor, putative iron transporter (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p0392 - ABC transporter, permease precursor, putative iron transporter (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006810, GO:0016020, GO:0005215
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6825432
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826678 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1693 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826678
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826489 putative TonB-dependent siderophore receptor (putative ferrichrome outer membrane transporter) (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1488 - putative TonB-dependent siderophore receptor (putative ferrichrome outer membrane transporter) (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0015891, GO:0016020, GO:0004872, GO:0005506, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826489
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828957 putative non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, putative acyl-CoA ligase for activation during siderophore synthesis (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4133 - putative non-ribosomal peptide synthetase, putative acyl-CoA ligase for activation during siderophore synthesis (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0019290, GO:0003824, GO:0008756, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828957
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6829315 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4507 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6829315
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6828956 Siderophore synthetase component (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4132 - Siderophore synthetase component (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0019290, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828956
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6826678 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1693 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826678
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6829223 putative TonB-dependent iron outer membrane transporter (fiu) (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4415 - putative TonB-dependent iron outer membrane transporter (fiu) (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0015891, GO:0016020, GO:0004872, GO:0005506, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6829223
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6827052 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p2111 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0004783
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6827052
Tuberculist Genomic Region
6830627 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META2p0552 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0009279, GO:0016021
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6830627
Tuberculist Genomic Region