6829711 N-acetylglutamate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAGSA dehydrogenase) or N-acetyl-gamma-glutamylphosphate reductase, NAD(P)-binding (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p4920 - N-acetylglutamate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (NAGSA dehydrogenase) or N-acetyl-gamma-glutamylphosphate reductase, NAD(P)-binding (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006526, GO:0005737, GO:0003942, GO:0051287
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6829711
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6825514 putative membrane protein DUF6 precursor, putative threonine and homoserine efflux protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p0472 - putative membrane protein DUF6 precursor, putative threonine and homoserine efflux protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0016020
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6825514
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826402 malate dehydrogenase, FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain (tat pathway signal) (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1401 - malate dehydrogenase, FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain (tat pathway signal) (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006099, GO:0008924
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826402
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826942 Hsp33-like chaperonin (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1987 - Hsp33-like chaperonin (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006457, GO:0005737, GO:0051082
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826942
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826139 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1143 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826139
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828261 putative response regulator receiver (CheY-like protein) (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p3363 - putative response regulator receiver (CheY-like protein) (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0000160, GO:0006355, GO:0000156
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6828261
Tuberculist Genomic Region

Details for -
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: RMQ07414
Tuberculist Genomic Region

Details for -
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: RMQ09481
Tuberculist Genomic Region

Details for -
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: RMQ08142
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826464 DNA-binding protein, putative transcriptional regulator (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1463 - DNA-binding protein, putative transcriptional regulator (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0043565
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826464
Tuberculist Genomic Region

Details for -
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: RMQ12509
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826824 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1839 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006118, GO:0016021, GO:0005506, GO:0050660, GO:0016491
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826824
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826463 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1462 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826463
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826339 fumarase C (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p1338 - fumarase C (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0006106, GO:0045239, GO:0004333
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6826339
Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827172 putative TonB-dependent receptor (RefSeq)
Details for MexAM1_META1p2234 - putative TonB-dependent receptor (RefSeq)
GO Terms: GO:0015891, GO:0016020, GO:0004872, GO:0005506, GO:0015343
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: 6827172
Tuberculist Genomic Region
