MMP1056 conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1056 - conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1056
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1478 Cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase:Cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase CbiA (NCBI)
Details for MMP1478 - Cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase:Cobyrinic acid a,c-diamide synthase CbiA (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0009236, GO:0043802, GO:0042242
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1478
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0339 NUDIX hydrolase (NCBI)
Details for MMP0339 - NUDIX hydrolase (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0016787
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0339
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1528 Prephenate dehydratase (NCBI)
Details for MMP1528 - Prephenate dehydratase (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0009094, GO:0005506, GO:0004664, GO:0004497
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1528
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0439 Dihydroorotate oxidase (NCBI)
MMP1568 conserved hypothetical archaeal protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1568 - conserved hypothetical archaeal protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1568
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0821 coenzyme F420-non-reducing hydrogenase subunit delta (NCBI)
Details for MMP0821 - coenzyme F420-non-reducing hydrogenase subunit delta (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0009228, GO:0015948
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0821
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1569 conserved hypothetical archaeal protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1569 - conserved hypothetical archaeal protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1569
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0940 related to ehbP of Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (NCBI)
Details for MMP0940 - related to ehbP of Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0940
Tuberculist Genomic Region
