Methylobacterium_extorquens_AM1 Module 473 Residual: 0.15


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Residual: 0.15 Score: -9.8917 version:
6825690 General stress protein, putative intracellular proteinase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p0650 - General stress protein, putative intracellular proteinase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0016798

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6825690

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829530 putative sugar phosphate isomerase (SIS); putative regulatory component (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4724 - putative sugar phosphate isomerase (SIS); putative regulatory component (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0005975, GO:0005529

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829530

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829308 putative response regulator receiver (CheY-like protein) (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4500 - putative response regulator receiver (CheY-like protein) (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0000160, GO:0006355, GO:0000156

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829308

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829464 L-isoaspartate protein carboxylmethyltransferase type II (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4657 - L-isoaspartate protein carboxylmethyltransferase type II (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006464, GO:0004719

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829464

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828996 putative transcriptional regulator, PAS domain S-box (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4182 - putative transcriptional regulator, PAS domain S-box (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006355, GO:0000160, GO:0005622, GO:0000155, GO:0003700, GO:0043565

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6828996

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829100 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4289 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829100

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827159 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p2221 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827159

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826429 putative UV damage endonuclease (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p1428 - putative UV damage endonuclease (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006289, GO:0004519

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6826429

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829661 putative metallophosphatase/metallophosphoesterase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4868 - putative metallophosphatase/metallophosphoesterase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0016787

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829661

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829099 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4288 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829099

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828584 putative Fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p3706 - putative Fumarylacetoacetate (FAA) hydrolase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0008152, GO:0003824

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6828584

Tuberculist Genomic Region

Motif 1: e-value: 3.4 e-value: 7200
Regulator Interaction Influence Weight Other Influences
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