MMP0316 MMP0316 indolepyruvate oxidoreductase subunit alpha 1 (NCBI)


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Residual Expression Plot
mmp-bicluster_0025 0.31
mmp-bicluster_0087 0.23
Uniprot NCBI Gene NCBI Protein GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG
Q6M0F5 2761507 NP_987436.1;WP_011170260.1; 45357879 532503 CAF29872 IPR017896, IPR017900, IPR017721, IPR002880, IPR029061, IPR011766, IPR009014 COG4231
Title Insert TAG Module
Orthologues Paralogues
Catalytic Activity COG EC Description
(Indol-3-yl)pyruvate + CoA + 2 oxidized ferredoxin = S-2-(indol-3-yl)acetyl-CoA + CO(2) + 2 reduced ferredoxin + H(+). {ECO:0000256|PIRNR:PIRNR006439}. (C) COG4231 | Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha and beta subunits ( Indolepyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase.
L1.Cm.T1 L1.Cm.T2 L1.cN.T1 L1.cN.T2 L1.T0 L2.Cm.T1 L2.Cm.T2 L2.cN.T1 L2.cN.T2 L2.T0
33 36 19 16 39 26 28 21 20 29
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