Dde_1551 Dde_1551 D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase


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Uniprot GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG OrthoDB
Q311P8 78356594 395210 ABB38348 IPR000755, IPR009045 ENOG4108WRV, COG2173 EOG6V1M3M
Title Insert TAG Module
53G6 278
5D1 286
96A4 286
108G6 379
Orthologues Paralogues
Catalytic Activity COG
D-Ala-D-Ala + H(2)O = 2 D-Ala. {ECO:0000256|HAMAP-Rule:MF_01924, ECO:0000256|PIRNR:PIRNR026671}. (M) COG2173 | D-alanyl-D-alanine dipeptidase
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