
hypothetical protein (RefSeq)
putative transcription elongation factor (GreA/GreB domain protein) (RefSeq)
putative Holliday junction resolvase (RefSeq)
putative enzyme with nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase domain (RefSeq)
DNA-directed RNA polymerase omega chain (RNAP omega subunit) (Transcriptase omega chain) (RNA polymerase omega subunit) (RefSeq)
putative ATP-binding protein with two ATPase domains, ABC transporter related (RefSeq)
site-specific DNA-methyltransferase (adenine-specific) (RefSeq)
putative tandem cold-shock DNA-binding domain protein (RefSeq)
putative transcriptional regulator, cold shock protein (RefSeq)
hypothetical protein (RefSeq)