
putative ABC transporter, fused ATPase and permease domains (RefSeq)
putative ABC transporter, fused permease and ATPase subunits (RefSeq)
putative monovalent cation:proton antiporter (CPA2 family) ybaL (RefSeq)
putative permease (RefSeq)
Cell division protein (RefSeq)
putative 31 kDa outer-membrane immunogenic protein precursor (omp31) (RefSeq)
phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthetase (RefSeq)
putative ABC transporter, fused ATPase and transmembrane permease domains (RefSeq)
putative tryptophan-rich sensory protein; putative membrane protein; putative regulatory receptor protein (RefSeq)
Heavy metal efflux pump CzcA (precursor) (RefSeq)