Early infection

Transcription profiling of Caco-2 cells and Clostridium difficile during infection

Series: GSE18407 Pubmed ID: 20521945 | Type: Expression profiling by array

Overall Design:Clostridium difficile: Control vs Infection (time course); mRNA with genomic DNA of tested and reference strains; ; Caco-2 cells: Control vs Infected with Clostridium difficile; Time-course experiments of Caco-2 cells infected with C. difficile for 30, 60 and 120 min

There are 3 items in this group

Module_175 - Residual: 0.51 Type: Module
Motif 1: e-value:
Motif 2: e-value:
1st Quintile:
5th Quintile: Early infection
Module_137 - Residual: 0.52 Type: Module
Motif 1: e-value: 0
Motif 2: e-value: 0
1st Quintile: In vitro growth
5th Quintile: Early infection
Module_48 - Residual: 0.33 Type: Module
Motif 1: e-value: 0.000068
Motif 2: e-value:
1st Quintile: In vivo vs. In vitro
5th Quintile: Early infection