The are 19 biclusters regulated by DVU2319 in the network Desulfovibrio network.

Bicluster genes residual
25 23 0.549443
49 1 1.0
94 24 0.533612
107 8 0.609227
127 10 0.509354
141 28 0.515128
166 30 0.576185
175 32 0.588363
178 10 0.542207
185 30 0.611414
206 33 0.57701
215 30 0.55375
224 16 0.597133
230 25 0.583944
262 26 0.583977
266 25 0.512823
302 1 1.0
304 29 0.571575
317 1 1.0

view network for these 19 biclusters