The are 14 biclusters regulated by PA4074 in the network Pseudomonas_aeruginosa network.

Bicluster genes residual
1 19 0.518042350058
12 17 0.413726643818
36 19 0.458392312878
37 16 0.478794345619
66 19 0.431139933603
76 21 0.461318350827
80 20 0.4254506949
318 19 0.411358457505
324 27 0.507670283824
382 20 0.480039638987
487 23 0.488935000419
520 17 0.448882891329
533 14 0.384373135521
552 13 0.480550091437

view network for these 14 biclusters