The are 17 biclusters regulated by PA4080 in the network Pseudomonas_aeruginosa network.

Bicluster genes residual
42 19 0.515290848098
55 19 0.480130238098
66 19 0.431139933603
76 21 0.461318350827
167 13 0.451651491078
173 25 0.52255983836
213 11 0.350582647178
231 26 0.512011570732
323 20 0.518031192563
342 26 0.543554663291
414 21 0.476571998693
431 19 0.443262282445
462 25 0.562186160847
472 27 0.450859885477
478 23 0.5616221671
495 12 0.328560389066
536 25 0.51257931341

view network for these 17 biclusters