MMP1179 MMP1179 SAM (and some other nucleotide) binding motif:Generic methyltransferase (NCBI)


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Residual Expression Plot
mmp-bicluster_0085 0.38
mmp-bicluster_0110 0.22
mmp-bicluster_0151 0.49
Uniprot NCBI Gene NCBI Protein GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG
Q6LY14 2762363 NP_988299.1; 45358742 533375 CAF30735 IPR013216, IPR029063 COG0500
Line Position Effect Impact Class Percent Frequency Sample Title
UE3 1 162 204 FRAME_SHIFT NONE 73 66_Mmp_66_9-48496491 BX950229-MMP1179-1162204-66_Mmp_66_9-48496491
Title Insert TAG Module
Orthologues Paralogues
L1.Cm.T1 L1.Cm.T2 L1.cN.T1 L1.cN.T2 L1.T0 L2.Cm.T1 L2.Cm.T2 L2.cN.T1 L2.cN.T2 L2.T0
36 32 13 9 37 17 24 9 7 18
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