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C-terminal, alpha helical domain of Class Omega-like Glutathione S-transferases; Glutathione S-transferase (GST) C-terminal domain family, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Omega-like subfamily; composed of three Saccharomyces cerevisiae GST omega-like (Gto) proteins, Gto1p, Gto2p (also known as Extracellular mutant protein 4 or ECM4p), and Gto3p, as well as similar uncharacterized proteins from fungi and bacteria. The three Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gto proteins are omega-class GSTs with low or no GST activity against standard substrates, but have glutaredoxin/thiol oxidoreductase and dehydroascorbate reductase activity through a single cysteine residue in the active site. Gto1p is located in the peroxisomes while Gto2p and Gto3p are cytosolic. The gene encoding Gto2p, called ECM4, is involved in cell surface biosynthesis and architecture. S. cerevisiae ECM4 mutants show increased amounts of the cell wall hexose, N-acetylglucosamine. More recently, global gene expression analysis shows that ECM4 is upregulated during genotoxic conditions and together with the expression profiles of 18 other genes could potentially differentiate between genotoxic and cytotoxic insults in yeast.
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