CD Accession:
CD Definition:
aeIF5B_II: This family represents the domain II of archeal and eukaryotic aeIF5B. aeIF5B is a homologue of prokaryotic Initiation Factor 2 (IF2). Disruption of the eIF5B gene (FUN12) in yeast causes a severe slow-growth phenotype, associated with a defect in translation. eIF5B has a function analogous to prokaryotic IF2 in mediating the joining of joining of 60S subunits. The eIF5B consists of three N-terminal domains (I, II, II) connected by a long helix to domain IV. Domain I is a G domain, domain II and IV are beta-barrels and domain III has a novel alpha-beta-alpha sandwich fold. The G domain and the beta-barrel domain II display a similar structure and arrangement to the homologous domains of EF1A, eEF1A and aeIF2gamma.
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