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V-type ATPase 116kDa subunit family; This family consists of the 116kDa V-type ATPase (vacuolar (H+)-ATPases) subunits, as well as V-type ATP synthase subunit i. The V-type ATPases family are proton pumps that acidify intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells for example yeast central vacuoles, clathrin-coated and synaptic vesicles. They have important roles in membrane trafficking processes. The 116kDa subunit (subunit a) in the V-type ATPase is part of the V0 functional domain responsible for proton transport. The a subunit is a transmembrane glycoprotein with multiple putative transmembrane helices it has a hydrophilic amino terminal and a hydrophobic carboxy terminal. It has roles in proton transport and assembly of the V-type ATPase complex. This subunit is encoded by two homologous gene in yeast VPH1 and STV1.
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