PHATRDRAFT_15555 (PRK08566)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Name CD Accession Definition Superfamily Bitscore E-Value From - To Hit Type PSSM ID
Caudal_act superfamily Caudal like protein activation region; This family consists of the amino termini of proteins... - 40.5272 0.000573676 1458 - 1557 superfamily 252766
PRK08566 DNA-directed RNA polymerase subunit A'; Validated - 894.982 0 6 - 820 multi-dom 236292
RNA_pol_Rpb1_5 RNA polymerase Rpb1, domain 5; RNA polymerases catalyse the DNA dependent polymerization of RNA.... - 392.426 4.93E-122 753 - 1369 multi-dom 147266
TCRP1 Tongue Cancer Chemotherapy Resistant Protein 1; This family of proteins are found in eukaryotes.... - 65.8277 7.46E-12 1480 - 1692 multi-dom 259081
Not available -
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