PHATRDRAFT_41857 abc transporter (PRK11819)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Chromosome Product Transcript Start End Strand Short Name
PHATRDRAFT_41857 chr_4 abc transporter (PRK11819) 1231010 1232650 +
NCBI ID Ensembl Genomes exon ID
Not available Not available
Expression Profile Conditional Changes Cluster Dendrogram
Normalized Mean Residue
Name CD Accession Definition Superfamily Bitscore E-Value From - To Hit Type PSSM ID
ABCF_EF-3 ATP-binding cassette domain of elongation factor 3, subfamily F; Elongation factor 3 (EF-3) is a... cl17201 158.766 6.87E-46 315 - 509 specific 213188
ABC_ATPase superfamily ATP-binding cassette transporter nucleotide-binding domain; ABC transporters are a large family of... - 158.766 6.87E-46 315 - 509 superfamily 266551
ABCF_EF-3 ATP-binding cassette domain of elongation factor 3, subfamily F; Elongation factor 3 (EF-3) is a... cl17201 158.766 6.87E-46 315 - 509 specific 213188
ABC_ATPase superfamily ATP-binding cassette transporter nucleotide-binding domain; ABC transporters are a large family of... - 158.766 6.87E-46 315 - 509 superfamily 266551
ABC_tran_2 superfamily ABC transporter; This domain is related to pfam00005. - 46.4164 1.24E-06 220 - 295 superfamily 257346
ABC_tran_2 superfamily ABC transporter; This domain is related to pfam00005. - 46.4164 1.24E-06 220 - 295 superfamily 257346
PRK11819 putative ABC transporter ATP-binding protein; Reviewed - 936.847 0 7 - 543 multi-dom 236992
T. pseudonana P. tricornutum P. tricornutum DiatomCyc F. cylindrus Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries E. huxleyi C. reinhardtii A. thaliana P. sojae
21858 Not available 228190 247149 453665 Cre07.g335400.t1.1 Not available 347456
KEGG description KEGG Pathway
Not available Not available
Not available -
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