PHATRDRAFT_45766 (DUF3054)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Chromosome Product Transcript Start End Strand Short Name
PHATRDRAFT_45766 chr_8 (DUF3054) 187559 188164 -
NCBI ID Ensembl Genomes exon ID
Not available Not available
Expression Profile Conditional Changes Cluster Dendrogram
Normalized Mean Residue
Name CD Accession Definition Superfamily Bitscore E-Value From - To Hit Type PSSM ID
DUF3054 superfamily Protein of unknown function (DUF3054); Some members in this family of proteins are annotated as... - 77.3708 2.04E-18 72 - 190 superfamily 256379
DUF3054 superfamily Protein of unknown function (DUF3054); Some members in this family of proteins are annotated as... - 77.3708 2.04E-18 72 - 190 superfamily 256379
T. pseudonana P. tricornutum P. tricornutum DiatomCyc F. cylindrus Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries E. huxleyi C. reinhardtii A. thaliana P. sojae
5830 Not available 222796 300497 227824 Cre13.g569250.t1.2 AT1G44920.1 Not available
KEGG description KEGG Pathway
Not available Not available
Not available -
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