Phatr_bicluster_0004 Residual: 0.65
Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Title | Residual | Model version | Organism |
Phatr_bicluster_0004 | 0.65 | Phaeodactylum tricornutum |
Displaying 1 - 40 of 40
" class="views-fluidgrid-wrapper clear-block">
PHATRDRAFT_14808 nud24_arath nudix hydrolasechloroplast precursor (Nudix_Hydrolase superfamily)
PHATRDRAFT_15968 (PLN02906)
PHATRDRAFT_21736 at3g26060 mpe11_21 (PRX_BCP)
PHATRDRAFT_2215 at3g11670 t19f11_7 (Glycos_transf_1 superfamily)
PHATRDRAFT_22274 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid elongation (ELO)
PHATRDRAFT_23598 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (PRK08955)
PHATRDRAFT_33329 zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily (CAD1)
PHATRDRAFT_33637 prolyl 4-expressed (P4Hc)
PHATRDRAFT_39786 glycosyl transferase (Gly_transf_sug superfamily)
PHATRDRAFT_40151 hsf protein (HSF_DNA-bind)
PHATRDRAFT_43826 pde318 (pigment defective 318) gtp binding (COG1084)
PHATRDRAFT_44177 receptor guanylyl cyclase gc-ii (CHD)
PHATRDRAFT_44725 cog0737: 5-nucleotidase 2-cyclic phosphodiesterase and related esterases (MPP_superfamily superfamily)
PHATRDRAFT_45591 heat shock factor (HSF_DNA-bind superfamily)
PHATRDRAFT_46977 e1a binding protein p400 (HSA)
PHATRDRAFT_48049 (Abhydrolase_6)
PHATRDRAFT_48307 epsilon frustilin
PHATRDRAFT_49663 homocysteine s-methyltransferase family protein (MHT1)
PHATRDRAFT_50012 helicase domain protein (HA)
PHATRDRAFT_50187 na+ solute symporter (SLC5-6-like_sbd superfamily)
PHATRDRAFT_50428 cyclin d1
PHATRDRAFT_54979 retinal guanylate cyclase (CHD)
GO ID | Go Term | p-value | q-value | Cluster |
GO:0009190 | cyclic nucleotide biosynthesis | 0.0024406 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0006310 | DNA recombination | 0.152607 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0006118 | electron transport | 0.65014 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0006006 | glucose metabolism | 0.0307293 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0006096 | glycolysis | 0.144955 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0007242 | intracellular signaling cascade | 0.0144685 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0006564 | L-serine biosynthesis | 0.0350457 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0008152 | metabolism | 0.743297 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0006412 | protein biosynthesis | 0.519015 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |
GO:0019538 | protein metabolism | 0.148789 | 1 | Phatr_bicluster_0004 |