PHATRDRAFT_43797 small heat shock protein (ACD_sHsps-like)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Chromosome Product Transcript Start End Strand Short Name
PHATRDRAFT_43797 chr_3 small heat shock protein (ACD_sHsps-like) 34377 35097 +
NCBI ID Ensembl Genomes exon ID
Not available Not available
Expression Profile Conditional Changes Cluster Dendrogram
Normalized Mean Residue
Name CD Accession Definition Superfamily Bitscore E-Value From - To Hit Type PSSM ID
ACD_sHsps-like Alpha-crystallin domain (ACD) of alpha-crystallin-type small(s) heat shock proteins (Hsps). sHsps... cl00175 66.8088 8.36E-15 47 - 124 specific 107221
alpha-crystallin-Hsps_p23-like superfamily alpha-crystallin domain (ACD) found in alpha-crystallin-type small heat shock proteins, and a... - 66.8088 8.36E-15 47 - 124 superfamily 260235
IbpA Molecular chaperone (small heat shock protein) [Posttranslational modification, protein turnover,... - 54.305 6.07E-10 48 - 129 multi-dom 223149
T. pseudonana P. tricornutum P. tricornutum DiatomCyc F. cylindrus Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries E. huxleyi C. reinhardtii A. thaliana P. sojae
Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
KEGG description KEGG Pathway
Not available Not available
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