PHATRDRAFT_33523 plastid ribosomal protein l21 large ribosomal subunit (rplU)
Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Chromosome Product Transcript Start End Strand Short Name
PHATRDRAFT_33523 chr_3 plastid ribosomal protein l21 large ribosomal subunit (rplU) 1137285 1137995 -
NCBI ID Ensembl Genomes exon ID
Not available Not available
Expression Profile Conditional Changes Cluster Dendrogram
Normalized Mean Residue
Name CD Accession Definition Superfamily Bitscore E-Value From - To Hit Type PSSM ID
rplU 50S ribosomal protein L21; Validated cl00382 88.621 1.82E-22 110 - 213 specific 235510
Ribosomal_L21p superfamily Ribosomal prokaryotic L21 protein; Ribosomal prokaryotic L21 protein. - 88.621 1.82E-22 110 - 213 superfamily 241828
T. pseudonana P. tricornutum P. tricornutum DiatomCyc F. cylindrus Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries E. huxleyi C. reinhardtii A. thaliana P. sojae
9756 Not available 193953 234654 199412 Cre09.g388550.t1.2 Not available 344419
KEGG description KEGG Pathway
Not available Not available
Not available -
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