
CD Accession: 
CD Definition: 
CarD-like/TRCF domain; CarD is a Myxococcus xanthus protein required for the activation of light- and starvation-inducible genes. This family includes the presumed N-terminal domain, CdnL. CarD interacts with the zinc-binding protein CarG to form a complex that regulates multiple processes in Myxococcus xanthus. This family also includes a domain to the N-terminal side of the DEAD helicase of TRCF (transcription-repair-coupling factor) proteins. TRCF displaces RNA polymerase stalled at a lesion, binds to the damage recognition protein UvrA, and increases the template strand repair rate during transcription. This domain is involved in binding to the stalled RNA polymerase. The family includes members otherwise referred to as CdnL, for CarD N-terminal like, whichdiffer functionally from CarD. The TRCF domain mentioned above is the RNA polymerase-interacting domain or RID.
CD Superfamily: