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Glutathione S-transferase C-terminal-like, alpha helical domain of various Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and similar domains; Glutathione S-transferase (GST) C-terminal domain family, Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (AaRS)-like subfamily; This model characterizes the GST_C-like domain found in the N-terminal region of some eukaryotic AaRSs, as well as similar domains found in proteins involved in protein synthesis including Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase complex-Interacting Multifunctional Protein 2 (AIMP2), AIMP3, and eukaryotic translation Elongation Factor 1 beta (eEF1b). AaRSs comprise a family of enzymes that catalyze the coupling of amino acids with their matching tRNAs. This involves the formation of an aminoacyl adenylate using ATP, followed by the transfer of the activated amino acid to the 3'-adenosine moiety of the tRNA. AaRSs may also be involved in translational and transcriptional regulation, as well as in tRNA processing. AaRSs in this subfamily include GluRS from lower eukaryotes, as well as GluProRS, MetRS, and CysRS from higher eukaryotes. AIMPs are non-enzymatic cofactors that play critical roles in the assembly and formation of a macromolecular multi-tRNA synthetase protein complex found in higher eukaryotes. The GST_C-like domain is involved in protein-protein interactions, mediating the formation of aaRS complexes such as the MetRS-Arc1p-GluRS ternary complex in lower eukaryotes and the multi-aaRS complex in higher eukaryotes, that act as molecular hubs for protein synthesis. AaRSs from prokaryotes, which are active as dimers, do not contain this GST_C-like domain.
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