
CD Accession: 
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RNA binding domain of NusB (N protein-Utilization Substance B) and Sun (also known as RrmB or Fmu) proteins. This family includes two orthologous groups exemplified by the transcription termination factor NusB and the N-terminal domain of the rRNA-specific 5-methylcytidine transferase (m5C-methyltransferase) Sun. The NusB protein plays a key role in the regulation of ribosomal RNA biosynthesis in eubacteria by modulating the efficiency of transcriptional antitermination. NusB along with other Nus factors (NusA, NusE/S10 and NusG) forms the core complex with the boxA element of the nut site of the rRNA operons. These interactions help RNA polymerase to counteract polarity during transcription of rRNA operons and allow stable antitermination. The transcription antitermination system can be appropriated by some bacteriophages such as lambda, which use the system to switch between the lysogenic and lytic modes of phage propagation. The m5C-methyltransferase Sun shares the N-terminal non-catalytic RNA-binding domain with NusB.
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