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Uncharacterized proteins involved in stress response, similar to tellurium resistance terD; Tellurium resistance terD like proteins. This family is composed of uncharacterized proteins involved in stress response, such as the tellurium resistance proteins, chemical-damaging agent resistance proteins, and general stress proteins from a variety of organisms. The tellurium resistance proteins are homologous terA,-D,-E,-F,-Z,-X gene products, which confer tellurium resistance mediated by plasmids. Currently, the biochemical mechanism of tellurium resistance remains unknown. The family also contains several ter gene homologues, YceC, YceD, YceE, for which there is no clear evidence for any involvement in the tellurium resistance. A putative cAMP-binding protin CABP1 shows a significant similarity to the terD protein and is also included in this family.
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