Mc1r melanocortin 1 receptor (17199)

Symbol Product Feature Type Strand Chr
17199 Mc1r melanocortin 1 receptor protein-coding 8
Mshra | Tob | e
GO ID Category Definition Evidence
  • signal transducer activity
  • G-protein coupled receptor activity
  • melanocortin receptor activity
  • melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor activity
  • protein binding
  • intracellular
  • cytoplasm
  • plasma membrane
  • signal transduction
  • G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway
  • positive regulation of protein kinase A signaling
  • microtubule cytoskeleton
  • membrane
  • integral component of membrane
  • sensory perception of pain
  • positive regulation of cAMP biosynthetic process
  • ubiquitin protein ligase binding
  • negative regulation of tumor necrosis factor production
  • intracellular signal transduction
  • melanin biosynthetic process
  • pigmentation
  • positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
  • positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling
  • UV-damage excision repair
  • positive regulation of protein kinase C signaling
Motif 1 Motif 2 Residual
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