Tcf7l1 transcription factor 7 like 1 (T cell specific, HMG box) (21415)

Symbol Product Feature Type Strand Chr
21415 Tcf7l1 transcription factor 7 like 1 (T cell specific, HMG box) protein-coding 6
Tcf-3 | Tcf3 | bHLHb21
GO ID Category Definition Evidence
  • DNA binding
  • chromatin binding
  • sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity
  • protein binding
  • nucleus
  • transcription factor complex
  • transcription, DNA-templated
  • regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
  • brain development
  • beta-catenin binding
  • anterior/posterior axis specification, embryo
  • Wnt signaling pathway
  • somatic stem cell maintenance
  • sequence-specific DNA binding
  • skin development
  • transcription regulatory region DNA binding
  • negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
  • positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter during mitosis
  • axial mesoderm morphogenesis
  • generation of neurons
  • stem cell differentiation
  • canonical Wnt signaling pathway
  • regulation of stem cell maintenance
Motif 1 Motif 2 Residual
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