Cir1 corepressor interacting with RBPJ, 1 (66935)

Symbol Product Feature Type Strand Chr
66935 Cir1 corepressor interacting with RBPJ, 1 protein-coding 2
1700023B02Rik | 2810021A19Rik | Cicr | Cir
Ensembl MGI VEGA
NA MGI:1914185 NA
GO ID Category Definition Evidence
  • histone deacetylase complex
  • negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
  • protein binding
  • nucleus
  • cytoplasm
  • cytoskeleton
  • transcription, DNA-templated
  • regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
  • mRNA processing
  • RNA splicing
  • nuclear speck
  • histone deacetylase binding
  • negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
Motif 1 Motif 2 Residual
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