Nav2 neuron navigator 2 (78286)

Symbol Product Feature Type Strand Chr
78286 Nav2 neuron navigator 2 protein-coding 7
5330421F07Rik | AU067780 | BQ960892 | HELAD1 | POMFIL2 | RAINB1 | RAINB2 | Unc53H2 | mKIAA3015
GO ID Category Definition Evidence
  • nucleotide binding
  • regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by baroreceptor feedback
  • ATP binding
  • interstitial matrix
  • nervous system development
  • sensory perception of sound
  • sensory perception of smell
  • locomotory behavior
  • heparin binding
  • optic nerve development
  • glossopharyngeal nerve development
  • vagus nerve development
  • extracellular matrix
Motif 1 Motif 2 Residual
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