Displaying 64221 - 64230 of 69421
Locus | Symbol | Product | Feature Type | Chromosome |
23893 | Grem2 | gremlin 2 homolog, cysteine knot superfamily (Xenopus laevis) | protein-coding | 1 |
23894 | Gtf2h2 | general transcription factor II H, polypeptide 2 | protein-coding | 13 |
23897 | Hax1 | HCLS1 associated X-1 | protein-coding | 3 |
23900 | Hcst | hematopoietic cell signal transducer | protein-coding | 7 |
23906 | Hnrpfl | heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F like | protein-coding | 4 |
23908 | Hs2st1 | heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase 1 | protein-coding | 3 |
22757 | Zkscan5 | zinc finger with KRAB and SCAN domains 5 | protein-coding | 5 |
22759 | Zfp97 | zinc finger protein 97 | protein-coding | 17 |
22761 | Zfpm1 | zinc finger protein, multitype 1 | protein-coding | 8 |
22762 | Zfpm2 | zinc finger protein, multitype 2 | protein-coding | 15 |