ChIP-seq Profiles

You can visualize ChIP-seq profiles for a given experiment in UCSC Genome Browser by clicking on the browser icon

Displaying 91 - 100 of 261
Regulator Experiment UCSC Genome Browser
Two component transcriptional regulatory protein DevR
Rv3133c_B494 UCSC Browser Tracks
Two component transcriptional regulatory protein DevR
Rv3133c_B543 UCSC Browser Tracks
Probable response regulator
Rv3143_B340 UCSC Browser Tracks
Transcriptional regulator, TetR family
Rv3160c_B240 UCSC Browser Tracks
Transcriptional regulator, TetR family
Rv3167c_B272 UCSC Browser Tracks
Transcriptional regulator, TetR family
Rv3173c_B379 UCSC Browser Tracks
FIG036183: Transcriptional regulator, XRE family
Rv3183_B154 UCSC Browser Tracks
Two component transcriptional regulatory protein DevR
Rv3133c_B481 UCSC Browser Tracks
Two component transcriptional regulatory protein DevR
Rv3133c_B253 UCSC Browser Tracks
Two component transcriptional regulatory protein DevR
Rv3133c_B239 UCSC Browser Tracks