Functions page will display functional annotations for Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv from different resources. Currently, functional annotations from GO, KEGG, UniPathways and InterPro are included. Each function is linked to gene entries listed under this function.
GO Terms
Gene Ontology terms associated with MTB are listed. GO Terms are collected from
- GO Category: Higher level category for given term
- Name: Term ID/Name.
- Term Description: Description of the term
- Griffin Essential: Essentiality score of in vitro growth.
KEGG Functions
KEGG Pathway associations for MTB are listed. All MTB associated KEGG Pathways can be accessed at
KEGG MTB Pathway Map
- Title: KEGG Specific Term ID
- Term Description: Description
- Term Summary: Summary of total number of items assigned to this term linked to list of genes
UniPathway Functions
Unipathway is a manually curated resource of enzyme-catalyzed and spontaneous chemical reactions. All MTB associated Unipathway functions are listed in the table.
- UniPathway Functions: Pathway description linked to list of entries assigned to given pathway
InterPro Terms
InterPro provides functional analysis of proteins by classifying them into families and predicting domains and important sites.
- Term ID: InterPro specific Term ID linked to member of this term
- Description: Short description of term