Rv1544 Ketoacyl reductase


Product Feature Type Start End Strand Length AA Length is TF
Rv1544 Ketoacyl reductase CDS 1746094 1746897 + 804 267 FALSE

Rv1544 (Ketoacyl reductase) is predicted to be co-regulated in modules bicluster_0275 with residual 0.52 and bicluster_0550 with residual 0.45.

This regulation is possibly mediated by two de-novo identified cis-regulatory motifs in each module with e-values , 550.00 and 2,100.00 for bicluster_0275 and 0.23 and 6.90 for bicluster_0550 respectively.

These modules are enriched for following go terms: cyclohydrolase activity.

This gene is found to be for growth on cholesterol.

Mutant available?:

Product (LegacyBRC) Product (RefSeq)
Possible ketoacyl reductase ketoacyl reductase
Operon # Operon
1028 - -
PATRIC Locus Tag Enzyme Name PATRIC Pathways Transcriptomics


Not assigned Not assigned
Locus Tuberculist Genome View


Locus Tag KEGG Pathways


not assigned to any KEGG Pathway.
BioCyc Gene Page Cellular Overview Map
Link to STRING STRING Network


GI Number Protein ID Blast Conserved Domains
15608682 NP_216060.1 Run

plasma membrane

plasma membrane

The membrane surrounding a cell that separates the cell from its external environment. It consists of a phospholipid bilayer and associated proteins.
GO Category: 
Total items in this category:  

active evasion of host immune response

active evasion of host immune response

Any mechanism of immune avoidance that directly affects the host immune system, e.g. blocking any stage in host MHC class I and II presentation. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
GO Category: 
Total items in this category:  
No TFOE experiment results were found

Quantitative Proteomics Data

t-test p-value Cholesterol/Glycerol Ratio
0.430000 0.73

How essentiality calculations were done?

The relative representation of each mutant was determined by calculating the fold change (sequence reads/insertion in cholesterol divided by sequence reads/insertion in glycerol) for each gene. Statistical significance was determined by t-test. Each insertion site in each replicate sample was treated as a separate data point. The hyperbola used for defining genes specifically required for growth in cholesterol was defined by the formula, y = 3.8/x+0.7. Genes above this line are annotated as required for growth on cholesterol.

TRIP log2 fold abundance change

reports the log2 abundance fold change of each TFI strain, relative to no induction, in absence or presence of drug, averaged across experimental replicates. Also reported are the accompanying z-scores and two-sided t-test p-values for each TFI strain under each condition. Please refer to Ma et al., 2020, Nature Microbiology for more information.

p-value Untreated:
p-value INH: