Rv3830c Beta-carotene ketolase (EC 1.14.-.-)

Rv3830c (Beta-carotene ketolase (EC 1.14.-.-)) is predicted to be co-regulated in modules bicluster_0027 with residual 0.56 and bicluster_0178 with residual 0.53.

This regulation is possibly mediated by two de-novo identified cis-regulatory motifs in each module with e-values , 0.00 and 0.04 for bicluster_0027 and 140.00 and 36,000.00 for bicluster_0178 respectively.

These modules are enriched for following go terms: disaccharide metabolic process, trehalose metabolic process, trehalose biosynthetic process, disaccharide biosynthetic process, carbohydrate biosynthetic process .

This gene is found to be for growth on cholesterol.

Mutant available?: Yes

Displaying 51 - 60 of 71
Gene Target Differential Expression Distance Expression pvalue Type
No -52 0.1 0.999473 CDS
Possible membrane protein
No -113 -0.1 0.999473 Internal.TSS
Possible membrane protein
No -95 -0.1 0.999473 CDS
No 17 0.2 0.999473 CDS
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (EC
No -87 -0.01 0.999473 Primary.TSS
CRISPR-associated protein Cas2
No -75 -0.5 0.999473 Internal.TSS
No -31 0.35 0.999473 CDS
Malonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylase (EC
No 0 0.02 0.999473 Internal.TSS
ESAT-6-like protein EsxQ
No -142 -0.09 0.999473 Internal.TSS
No -54 -0.01 0.999473 CDS
not assigned to any KEGG Pathway.
No TFOE experiment results were found

TRIP log2 fold abundance change

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Condition Count Day Doublings Fitness U.I Plots
D3I 3 3 3.83 11.92 I
D5I 9 5 6.00 12.82 I
D7I 18 7 8.14 12.18 I
D14I 4 14 15.63 10.27 I
D17I 3 17 19.15 9.54 I
D21I 4 21 23.23 9.51 I
D24I 3 24 26.60 8.36 I
D28I 4 28 30.61 8.68 I
D0U 27 0 0.00 12.22 U
D3U 3 3 3.83 11.28 U
D5U 17 5 6.00 12.57 U
D7U 19 7 8.14 11.54 U
D14U 4 14 15.63 10.14 U
D17U 3 17 19.15 9.72 U
D21U 4 21 23.23 9.72 U
D24U 3 24 26.60 9.03 U
D28U 4 28 30.61 9.22 U