Dde_0410 Dde_0410 Glycerol kinase


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Uniprot GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG OrthoDB
Q316D5 78355457 393033 ABB37211 IPR000577, IPR018485, IPR018483, IPR018484, IPR005999 ENOG4108JQ0, COG0554 EOG6RZB46
Title Insert TAG Module
41G4 116
84B4 603
214D12 905
133D1 949
75H8 1007
53E1 1046
150F2 1253
Orthologues Paralogues
Catalytic Activity COG EC Description
ATP + glycerol = ADP + sn-glycerol 3-phosphate. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00186}. (C) COG554 | Glycerol kinase ( Glycerol kinase.
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