Dde_2039 Dde_2039 Transcription-repair-coupling factor


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Uniprot GI Number MicrobesOnline EnsemblBacteria InterPro EggNOG OrthoDB
Q30ZR0 78357082 394786 ABB38836 IPR003711, IPR011545, IPR014001, IPR001650, IPR004576, IPR027417, IPR005118 ENOG4108JA2, COG1197 EOG6FNHKW
Title Insert TAG Module
66F6 161
202C11 310
203E10 463
161H4 789
206C10 832
102C6 1058
34H10 1457
44A8 1630
61B5 1903
42D7 2088
Orthologues Paralogues
(LK) COG1197 | Transcription-repair coupling factor (superfamily II helicase)
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