Methylobacterium_extorquens_AM1 Module 540 Residual: 0.43


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Residual: 0.43 Score: -9.18936 version:
6825312 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p0261 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6825312

Tuberculist Genomic Region


Details for -

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: RMQ05029

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827403 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p2475 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0008152, GO:0008168

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827403

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827757 putative phosphoserine phosphatase (serB-like) (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p2848 - putative phosphoserine phosphatase (serB-like) (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006564, GO:0004647

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827757

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827219 putative membrane-bound metallopeptidase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p2289 - putative membrane-bound metallopeptidase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827219

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829323 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4515 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0005509

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829323

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826440 uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p1439 - uracil phosphoribosyltransferase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006223, GO:0009116, GO:0004845

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6826440

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828384 glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p3486 - glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006011, GO:0009058, GO:0003983

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6828384

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828309 Peptidase M22, glycoprotease (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p3411 - Peptidase M22, glycoprotease (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006508, GO:0008450

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6828309

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827908 putative transcriptional regulator, AsnC/Lrp family (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p3002 - putative transcriptional regulator, AsnC/Lrp family (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006355, GO:0005622, GO:0003700, GO:0043565

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827908

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829423 glycolate permease (LctP family) (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4616 - glycolate permease (LctP family) (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0015727, GO:0015129

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829423

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828449 60 kDa chaperonin (protein Cpn60, groEL protein) (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p3552 - 60 kDa chaperonin (protein Cpn60, groEL protein) (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0044267, GO:0005515, GO:0005524

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6828449

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6829322 hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p4514 - hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0005509

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6829322

Tuberculist Genomic Region


Details for -

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: RMQ11490

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6825110 putative peptidase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p0053 - putative peptidase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006508, GO:0008233

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6825110

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827245 putative catalase precursor (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p2315 - putative catalase precursor (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0006118, GO:0006979, GO:0004096

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827245

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826034 putative PTS system subfamily mannose/fructose-specific IIA component (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p1020 - putative PTS system subfamily mannose/fructose-specific IIA component (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0009401, GO:0009357, GO:0016021, GO:0008982

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6826034

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6828002 Pyruvate phosphate dikinase (Pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase) (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p3097 - Pyruvate phosphate dikinase (Pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase) (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0016310, GO:0005524, GO:0016301, GO:0050242

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6828002

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6827897 Exported hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p2991 - Exported hypothetical protein (RefSeq)

GO Terms: NA

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6827897

Tuberculist Genomic Region

6826462 putative acid phosphatase (RefSeq)

Details for MexAM1_META1p1461 - putative acid phosphatase (RefSeq)

GO Terms: GO:0016020, GO:0030288, GO:0003993

PATRIC Pathways: NA

Essentiality: Griffin Essential: NA | In vitro Essential: NA | In vivo Essential: NA

Go to Gene Page: 6826462

Tuberculist Genomic Region

Motif 1: e-value: 3.5 e-value: 650
Regulator Interaction Influence Weight Other Influences
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