MMP0652 hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0652 - hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0652
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0820 coenzyme F420-reducing hydrogenase subunit alpha (NCBI)
Details for MMP0820 - coenzyme F420-reducing hydrogenase subunit alpha (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0006118, GO:0008901, GO:0016151
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0820
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0029 conserved hypothetical archeal protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0029 - conserved hypothetical archeal protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0029
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0837 RNase HI related protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0837 - RNase HI related protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0016234, GO:0003676, GO:0004523
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0837
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0174 HD phosphohydrolase family member (NCBI)
Details for MMP0174 - HD phosphohydrolase family member (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0003824
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0174
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0847 hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0847 - hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0847
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0194 conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0194 - conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0016491, GO:0046914
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0194
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0988 RNA methyltransferase related protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0988 - RNA methyltransferase related protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0006479, GO:0005737, GO:0008276
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0988
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0200 molybdenum containing formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase, subunit E (NCBI)
Details for MMP0200 - molybdenum containing formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase, subunit E (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0018493
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0200
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0998 hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0998 - hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0998
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0423 hypothetical (NCBI)
Details for MMP0423 - hypothetical (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0423
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1225 amino acid ABC-type transporter related protein (NCBI)
MMP0461 hypothetical (NCBI)
Details for MMP0461 - hypothetical (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0461
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1486 putative mechanosensitive ion channel (NCBI)
Details for MMP1486 - putative mechanosensitive ion channel (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0016020
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1486
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0462 possible predicted protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0462 - possible predicted protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0003824
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0462
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1529 conserved hypothetical archaeal protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1529 - conserved hypothetical archaeal protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0008152, GO:0008168
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1529
Tuberculist Genomic Region

Details for MMP0463 -
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0463
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1660 conserved hypothetical archeal protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1660 - conserved hypothetical archeal protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1660
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0474 hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP0474 - hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0474
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1661 hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1661 - hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1661
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0739 Asp/Glu racemase:Aspartate racemase (NCBI)
Details for MMP0739 - Asp/Glu racemase:Aspartate racemase (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0006520, GO:0047689
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0739
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP1685 conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI)
Details for MMP1685 - conserved hypothetical protein (NCBI)
GO Terms: NA
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP1685
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0818 coenzyme F420-reducing hydrogenase subunit gamma (NCBI)
Details for MMP0818 - coenzyme F420-reducing hydrogenase subunit gamma (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0006120, GO:0008137, GO:0051536, GO:0051539
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0818
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0484 possible sodium/proton antiporter (NCBI)
Details for MMP0484 - possible sodium/proton antiporter (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0006813, GO:0006885, GO:0016021, GO:0015299
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0484
Tuberculist Genomic Region

MMP0819 coenzyme F420-reducing hydrogenase subunit delta (NCBI)
Details for MMP0819 - coenzyme F420-reducing hydrogenase subunit delta (NCBI)
GO Terms: GO:0006464, GO:0008047, GO:0008233
PATRIC Pathways: NA
Griffin Essential: NA |
In vitro Essential: NA |
In vivo Essential: NA
Go to Gene Page: MMP0819
Tuberculist Genomic Region
